Lovely. (go back »)

August 16 2007, 3:47 AM

In the days that have passed, the clock never ticked.

Not once could you hear a beeping sound.

The silence would fill the entire world.

Compassion, less.

Nobody would stare, care, or even bother to listen.

The garbage compactors would grow in massive amounts.

Guessing by the looks of it; the future was near.

Not the kinds that people would normally think of.

The Jetsons: Let's fly airplanes and live in the air.

Worryful pollution, global warming, not so much.

Nothing but a sky lit up with starry mountains.

It was as if the world was a lake,

for it was being reflected.

The mirrors would stutter.

A slight glance, a meer image, all has failed you now.

Go back to where you came from.

Inside your womb.

The warm comfort zone of which you belong to.

You are your own person, stay as you are.

Come as it may, the world's crashing upon us.

Take it among yourselves to carry it on your shoulders until all has been lifted.


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  • 15 years old


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